• Welcome to Our Horus for information technology
  • 50 Wadi Elnile st ,
  • Elmohandseen.Giza,Egypt


3- VOIP Solutions & Telephony System

horus Voice solutions are many and varied (Cisco, Avaya, Aheeva, Mitel, etc…) Our voice solutions integrate many software packages, each including their own set of great features. 

However, our PBX add new interfaces for control and reporting of its own, to make it a complete package. Some of the features provided negatively by our voice solution are: 

–Virtualization support: You can run multiple PBX virtual machines on the same box.

–Really friendly Web user interface. 

–"Fax” for incoming faxes. Also, you can send any digital document to a fax number through a virtual printer.

–Graphical configuration of network parameters. 

–Resource usage reporting.

–Remote restart/shutdown options. 

–Incoming/outgoing calls and channel usage reports. 

–Integrated voicemail module. 

–Voicemail Web interface. 

–Integrated operator panel module.

–Embedded help interface.

–Instant messaging server (Open fire) integrated.